Kule Mail

By: Shawn Smith

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Article Marketing Is All About The Title

The title of your article is the single most important piece of the puzzle when it comes to getting your article read. Although the content of the article is ultimately what people are searching for and hoping to find answers to their questions in, the simple fact is that without the right title it doesn't matter how good the content is, no one is ever going to see it. But there is a lot more to writing an effective article title than simply coming up with a catchy line that piques people's curiosity. These are the essential title writing steps you absolutely must adhere to if you hope to write an article than anyone is ever going to read.

1. Write Your Title For Search Engines
No matter how clever or funny your title may be, if the search engines aren't able to understand and categorize what you are trying to say, you are wasting your time. In print it is a different story. You want to grab the reader's attention with clever headlines that may have little to do with what your article is actually about. But search engines do not understand humor and semantics. They will take your title at face value so make sure your title is descriptive and straightforward.

2. Use Keywords
Absolutely imperative is the use of keywords. Choose your key words wisely and use them early. The first 3 to 4 words of your title should include your key words. So even if you like the way your title sounds, if your keywords are at the end of the title, consider revising it. You will be glad you did.

3. Be Concise
Try to be as concise as possible when writing your title. Write a rough draft and try to keep revising and condensing it until you are able to say exactly what you want to say in the fewest words possible. Less is more when you are writing titles that you want to attract attention.

4. Use Title Case
Title case is simply the formatting decision to capitalize the first letter of each word. You do not need to capitalize the first letter of lesser words like the, of, and, etc. However, my preference is to capitalize every word of the title. I think that it makes the title stand out as much as possible without being overdone. But it is definitely a matter of preference. Do not, however, capitalize every letter of every word. All caps titles are tacky and most article directories do not allow them anyway.

So there you have it; four simple steps to writing a title that can dynamically change the effectiveness of the articles you write. Just remember that it is not the title that is the most eye-catching or clever that necessarily gets the best results. It is the one that adheres to the necessities of online writing and utilizes well the internet marketing techniques essential for success that will win in the end.

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