Article marketing is something that most every internet marketer has tried at least once. Unfortunately, very few ever reach the point where they see results from their efforts. Article's can be one of the single best resources you ever use to promote your business, but you have to understand them to see the value in them.
Why Most People Give Up
Most people give up on writing articles before they ever give it a chance to work. Article marketing is a free form of advertising, which is why most everyone tries their hand at it, but it is also a long term strategy. This is what people often times do not understand. They write a few articles with high hopes of getting a flood of traffic to their site and making tons of money, then when their expectations fall short they get discouraged and give up.
What Article Marketing Is
Article marketing is a unique form of advertising in that it gives your advertising strategy a solid base of permanence. Unlike classified ads or solo ads, when you write an article and it gets published, it stays published. That article will be there working for you twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, forever. So although it may take you a little longer to write an article and it may not get you huge initial week-one results, it will continue to work for you for years to come and in the long run get you a heck of a lot more traffic than those quick ads ever could.
What Article Marketing Is Not
Article marketing is not however, solely a way to make some quick money by getting your links out there and getting people to buy what you are selling. Articles are meant to provide value to people and that is what you need to keep in mind when you go about writing them. You are not trying to sell someone, or trick them into buying something they do not need. Your article should be an answer to a problem, advice for those who seek it. This is what gives a writer credibility and entices the reader to care enough to check out the writer's block to see who you are and what you are doing.
Don't give up!
If you have tried article marketing before or are just considering it for the first time, the best advice you can follow is to simply stick with it. Article marketing is a long term strategy, remember that. The longer your article is out there and the more you have out there, the more of a chance there is that people will come across it, like what they see, and follow your links back to your website. Just remember to always honor the relationship between writer and reader; provide value and give people a reason to want to hear what you have to say. If you stick with it, article marketing can be one of the best things you will ever do to grow your business.
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Saturday, February 6, 2010
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