Kule Mail

By: Shawn Smith

Monday, February 15, 2010

Internet Marketing Beginner's Guide - Vol.2 Get Training Part 1

You might think that the planning stage should come before the training stage. After all you want to have a well thought out methodical plan in place before you start moving forward because without it you could easily end up moving in the wrong direction.

And in many cases that would be true. But if you are totally new to internet marketing, you can't put together a smart plan until you know how to plan. You need to get some training under your belt so that you have an understanding of what you are getting into, what you should focus on and why.

There are many different ways to going about creating an internet marketing strategy that works for your specific personality, or you as an individual. A little training that allows you to test some things out and feel it out for yourself is the first step to establishing your action plan.

Affiliate Programs
Joining the right affiliate program can be one of the absolute best ways to get some top notch internet marketing training in an academic style, easy to digest format. Much of the time you could learn some of what they have to teach you on your own, but you would absolutely be taking the long road and may pick up some bad habits along the way.

An affiliate program that is centered around high quality internet marketing training will give you access to organized, comprehensive information brought to you by experts in their fields. There is really no substitute for this kind of highly focused training, short of knowing an expert yourself and having them teach you.

Another bonus to joining a good affiliate program is that you can make money with them as well. Usually the internet training will be the product on which the company is built. Some people join simply for that product but many others join for the income opportunity available for referring people to that product. The income potential will depend on the specific program's compensation plan, quality of products, etc.

The catch is that affiliate programs are not free. The cost is usually not all that invasive and the price of the membership will be directly proportional to the income potential available (i.e. you pay more, you get paid more) so if you are planning to apply what you learn quickly and build the business side of the program as well, you should be alright.

Prices vary but you can expect to be able to get into a solid company with a good set of internet marketing training tools and teaching modules for as little as $50 a month.

Make Money Online The Right Way

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  1. Great Advise Shawn,

    Yes, true.. We all need a plan to move forward methodically.

    It is great tha you have discussed thepros & cons of affiliate marketing to educate anyone looking to take that route.

    Great post,

  2. Hi Damayanthi,

    Thanks for visiting and thanks for the comment!
