Kule Mail

By: Shawn Smith

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

~ The real problem is in the hearts and minds of men. It is not a problem of physics but of ethics. It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil from the spirit of man. ~ Albert Einstein
~ Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper. ~ Albert Einstein
~ Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. ~ Albert Einstein

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Article Marketing Is All About The Title

The title of your article is the single most important piece of the puzzle when it comes to getting your article read. Although the content of the article is ultimately what people are searching for and hoping to find answers to their questions in, the simple fact is that without the right title it doesn't matter how good the content is, no one is ever going to see it. But there is a lot more to writing an effective article title than simply coming up with a catchy line that piques people's curiosity. These are the essential title writing steps you absolutely must adhere to if you hope to write an article than anyone is ever going to read.

1. Write Your Title For Search Engines
No matter how clever or funny your title may be, if the search engines aren't able to understand and categorize what you are trying to say, you are wasting your time. In print it is a different story. You want to grab the reader's attention with clever headlines that may have little to do with what your article is actually about. But search engines do not understand humor and semantics. They will take your title at face value so make sure your title is descriptive and straightforward.

2. Use Keywords
Absolutely imperative is the use of keywords. Choose your key words wisely and use them early. The first 3 to 4 words of your title should include your key words. So even if you like the way your title sounds, if your keywords are at the end of the title, consider revising it. You will be glad you did.

3. Be Concise
Try to be as concise as possible when writing your title. Write a rough draft and try to keep revising and condensing it until you are able to say exactly what you want to say in the fewest words possible. Less is more when you are writing titles that you want to attract attention.

4. Use Title Case
Title case is simply the formatting decision to capitalize the first letter of each word. You do not need to capitalize the first letter of lesser words like the, of, and, etc. However, my preference is to capitalize every word of the title. I think that it makes the title stand out as much as possible without being overdone. But it is definitely a matter of preference. Do not, however, capitalize every letter of every word. All caps titles are tacky and most article directories do not allow them anyway.

So there you have it; four simple steps to writing a title that can dynamically change the effectiveness of the articles you write. Just remember that it is not the title that is the most eye-catching or clever that necessarily gets the best results. It is the one that adheres to the necessities of online writing and utilizes well the internet marketing techniques essential for success that will win in the end.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Turn Off Smart Quotes In Microsoft Word

Smart quotes are the bane of online writers. If you have never heard of them and have already tried your hand at submitting writing for online publication, you are probably already closely acquainted with them without even knowing it. If you are fortunate enough to learn of this issue early on it will not present much of a problem as it is an easy formatting fix. If however, you have already written tons of smart quote infested text you are hoping to upload onto the web, things can get a bit more complicated.

So what are Smart Quotes?
In short, smart quotes or "curly quotes" are the default quotation marks and apostrophes that Microsoft Word uses. Instead of using standard straight quotes, or "dumb quotes", Word automatically reformats them and turns them into the curly nuisances we speak of here.

If you do not fix this issue before you upload your nice, new, shiny article to the internet, it will not look the way you wrote it. Most likely what will happen is that every instance where an apostrophe or quotation marks are used will be turned into a question mark or some other unsightly character. The result will be a very unprofessional, unfinished looking article and a very frustrated writer.

How to Get Rid of Smart Quotes
Thankfully this is an extremely easy fix. If you are using Microsoft Office 2007 here are the steps:

1) Click on the Office button in the upper left hand corner of your screen. Scroll down to Word Options (at the bottom of the box). Click it. Scroll down to the "proofing" selection in the new window that just opened up, click it.

2) Now, click on Autocorrect Options. A new window will open up. Browse the tabs at the top of the box and click on AutoFormat. You will see the word "replace" with six check boxes below it. The first one is the one you want. It should say "straight quotes" with "smart quotes". Uncheck this box. If you like you can also uncheck the rest of the boxes save the last one titled "internet and network paths with hyperlinks" to further uncomplicated any internet formatting issues that you may experience.

3) You are almost done. Go back up to the tabs at the top of the box and click on the one that says AutoFormat As You Type. Now simply do the exact same thing you did in step 2 unchecking all of the same boxes here.

What if I Already Have Articles Written with Smart Quotes?
If you have already written text using Microsoft Word with the smart quote option on I will tell you what I did. There may be an easier way to do this but this seemed the easiest way to me. I simply used the find feature (just hold ctrl and hit F) in Word to find all of the apostrophes in my article, then all of the quotation marks. This way the program will bring you to each one, one at a time, and you can deal with them as they come. This will save you the trouble of scouring through your articles by hand trying to pick out every last apostrophe.

That is about all there is to say about smart quotes and what to do about them. I just hope you were able to find this information before smart quotes were able to cause you too much trouble. That's all for now!

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once and a while, you could miss it." Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Friday, March 12, 2010

"The pathway to freedom begins when we face the problem without making excuses for it" Joyce Meyer (Battlefield of the Mind)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Craigslist Ghosting - What Is It And What Does It Mean For You?

Craigslist Ghosting is simply the term coined for the system Craigslist uses to weed out internet marketers. Craigslist does not like internet marketers clogging up their listings and bogging down their servers, so they have come up with a system that very effectively limits the ability of internet marketers to utilize Craigslist as a viable source of marketing.

What Does Ghosting Do?
The system that Craigslist uses is intended to keep people from over posting. Generally you can post an average of three unique adds every forty-eight hours or so. If you try to break the rules, that is when the ghosting system kicks in.

When you try to post an ad that is identical or too similar to one that has already been posted within approximately a three to four day period, your ad will either be rejected or ghosted. If it is rejected then you get a notice right away telling you that you are trying to post a similar ad and that you cannot. If it is ghosted however, it will look like the ad is posted but in fact it will never show up on the site. Even if you look for it by following the confirmation links sent to you by the company it will look like it is up. But if you log on to Craigslist and look for it the way a prospective buyer would, it simply won't be there.

The ghosting system also kicks in if you try to post too many ads. Even if the ads are unique, the ghosting system tracks your computer's IP address and knows that it is you trying posting more than you are supposed to. This means that even if you try to fool Craigslist by setting up multiple accounts thinking that you can just post the limit with each account and get tons of ads out there, Craigslist will still know it is you if you are using the same computer.

What Does This Mean For You?
Well basically it means that you need to follow the rules and that Craigslist should be a part of your marketing strategy, but not the main part. There are techie ways of trying to beat the system like software that rotates your IP address, etc. I have never tried these methods out myself and so I cannot vouch for their validity.

My advice however is to just stick to the rules. Adhere to the posting limits, make your ads unique (title and body) and just work on writing that perfect ad that gets people's attention. Even at three ads a day, Craigslist is still by far the most effective free classifieds site to market with because it gets so much traffic. More often than not three ads on Craigslist will yield you more results that twenty on competing sites. Just remember to always go back and check your ads about twenty minutes after posting to make sure they are actually showing up and not being ghosted by the system.

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A keen sense of humor helps us overlook the unbecoming, understand the unconventional, tolerate the unpleasant, overcome the unexpected and outlast the unbearable.
- Billy Graham

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Article Marketing - Testing Your Title

The absolute most important part about writing article titles for article marketing purposes is to test your title. Many people overlook this simple step but it really can be the difference between several readers and several thousand.

Just Because It's Done Doesn't Mean It's Done
Many people will finish writing a title that they are satisfied with and quit there. They see that it is clever, drives home the point they are wanting to emphasize, makes excellent use of key words and is written with search engines in mind. Sounds like a pretty good title, right? Well, maybe it is; but there is really no substitute for testing it out and making sure.

Come Up With Alternatives
Do not throw out your previous title ideas just because you think that you have found a better one. They will all be useful when it comes time to do the testing. Come up with several different titles and test them all because you never know which ones will pull up the best results.

Get Creative
Even a small, seemingly insignificant change can be the difference between ten thousand search results and ten million. Experiment and come up with many different variations of the same title. A change as small as changing "if" to "when" or "build" to "building" can make a huge difference.

Test Your Title
Now that you have a few options to work with it's time to test them out. Take each one and plug them into the Google search bar one at a time. You are looking for three things:

a. Organic Results: First, look at the organic results (the main body of search results, excluding paid results). You want to make sure that the results you are viewing are associated with the subject matter you were expecting. Do this one first every time and it will save you time. If the pages Google pulls up when you type in your prospective title have nothing to do with the article you are writing then there is no need to do any further investigating; throw that title away.

b. Paid Results: Second, take a look at the paid results (the highlighted search results that show up first and the ads on the right side of the browser). The more the better.

c. Number of Competing Pages: This is the number that shows up in the top right hand corner of your browser. You want this number to be as high as possible. If it is in the hundreds of thousands that is great, millions even better.

Please do not overlook this critical step when going about titling your articles. The article itself takes the most work to produce but the title is actually the most important factor in determining the success of that article. Don't let your hard work go to waste by forgetting to test your titles.

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Fresh Prince Wisdom

This is an interesting look at Will Smith, who he is, and how he lives his life.

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."
-- Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." Theodore Roosevelt

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just For Fun

This is a video I came across while researching a paper.  Highlights the amazing camouflaging ability of the octopus.

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Article Marketing - How To Format For The Web

When you are writing for the purpose of being published on the web you have to do things a little differently. The internet is a different sort of place and it has its own set of rules. There is much to learn but if you follow these simple steps you will be well on your way to writing articles that are appropriate for publishing on the web.

1. Make it Easy to Scan
People who are looking for information online know what they are looking for. Make it easy for them to find it. Utilize subheadings, lists, bullet points, etc. to make the text in your article easier to skim and easier to understand.

2. Get to the Point
In short…make it short. Keep your sentences brief and conversational. Break up your text into short paragraphs. A huge block of text is intimidating. No one wants to read a novel when they are just looking for a little information. You don't have to cut parts out of your article, just separate it out into more manageable bits of text for your readers to digest.

Keep your overall article length fairly short as well. There is debate over whether long or short articles are best. Obviously in a longer article you can cover a topic more thoroughly and give your reader a more comprehensive experience.

However, think of the type of articles you read when you are looking for information. When you see a huge article, unless you are searching for an in depth examination of the topic, you will probably pass on to the next one. Most of the time people are going to be looking for who can give them the information they need the fastest. EzineArticles.com says the ideal article length is between 400 and 750 words. That's a good target to shoot for.

3. Be Original
You do not want to plagiarize your articles. Don't go for those box set article packages that give you X number of pre-written articles for a fee. Chances are you won't be able to use them anyway. Many of the more respected article directories (the ones you want your articles to show up on) have ways of determining if your articles are original or not. Don't waste your time and money. Write your articles yourself so you can make sure you are putting your name on an original, quality product.

4. Use Notepad
Pasting your articles into a program like notepad and then submitting them online from there will save you a lot of time and frustration in dealing with formatting issues. When you paste text from Microsoft Word onto the internet there are a lot of things that can go wrong. It is just better to be safe than sorry and it only takes a minute.

5. Do Not Use Smart Quotes
Microsoft Word by default uses curly quotes or smart quotes whenever you type out an apostrophe or a set of quotation marks. These do not transfer to the web well at all and may leave your article riddled with out of place question marks or other characters. To fix this simply go into Microsoft Word's auto formatting options and turn smart quotes off. Here is a link to a video from Microsoft Online that explains exactly how to do this.

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Baby Squirrel

Check out this cute and inspirational video.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Internet Marketing Beginner's Guide - Vol.4 Get Started

Once you have developed an internet marketing strategy that you are satisfied with it is time to get started implementing that plan. Often times getting started can be the hardest part. It is that initial push that it takes to get things moving that gives us the most trouble.

There is always an excuse to wait and even when you are out of excuses you can still find a million and one reasons not to get started. If you wait too long you can run the risk of becoming discouraged and giving up before you even give yourself a chance to get going.

Analysis Paralysis
You've probably heard the term before. Analysis paralysis is where a person gets so caught up in getting ready to get started that they never actually do anything. They become overwhelmed by looking at everything all at the same time and trying to figure everything out before its time.

Take things as they come, one at a time. Tomorrow's problems will be there tomorrow, concentrate on today. There will always be something else to figure out, something else to refine, something else to prepare. Eventually you just have to say enough is enough and get going. Don't let yourself get trapped in this never ending cycle.

Focus Your Effort
When you are first getting started in online marketing you will quickly see that there are a lot of different ways to market. So many in fact that no one person could really ever employ them all effectively. Do not become overwhelmed by the volume of information out there. You do not need to be able do everything to be successful in internet marketing. You just need to know how to do a few things very well.

So pick your methods and stick with them. You should already have a pretty good idea of what kind of marketing suits your personality and financial position. Pick two to three methods at first and really dig into them. Learn those methods well. Practice them every day and develop the necessary skills and knowledge to make them work.

If you have ever seen any mixed martial arts matches then you probably have a pretty good idea of what Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is. This fighting style is one of the absolute most effective and practical martial arts on the planet, in large part due to its use of the principles we are discussing

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Internet Marketing Beginner's Guide - Vol.3 Get A Plan

Once you have developed a solid base of understanding and the fundamental concepts of internet marketing begin to come into focus a bit, it is time to start devising a marketing strategy that works for you. No two people are alike and so no two marketing strategies will ever be exactly alike either.

Your marketing strategy will depend largely on your personality as well as what your current situation is regarding resources. Get ready because it is time to develop your plan.

Test The Waters
A good way to start to get a better picture of what your marketing strategy should look like is to begin testing some methods out a bit. Some people will be comfortable calling people on the phone, some are terrified of it. Some people don't mind sitting down at a computer screen for hours typing out articles. Some would rather have teeth pulled.

The point is that you need to find out what works for you and the only way to do that is to test out some different marketing methods and see what sticks. A good place to start is to try your hand at some classified advertising, article marketing, and video marketing. These are three very different forms of advertising and they are all free so you can get in some experience without digging into your wallet.

The next thing you will want to do is to take stock of your resources. Are you someone who is in a position to expend more time than money, or the other way around? Your answer to this question will have tremendous implications on the way you choose to go about internet marketing.

I've Got Time
If you are low on cash but you have time to burn then you will want to stick to the low cost to free forms of advertising. These include things like article marketing, video marketing, forum marketing, blogging, social network marketing, etc. These are the kinds of areas you are going to want to focus on in your marketing plan if you are strapped for cash.

Free forms of advertising are always going to be more demanding of your time and attention and they are also often times less effective, at least in the short term, than paid forms of advertising. But if that is where you are then you can definitely make it work for you. You just need to adjust your strategy accordingly.

I've Got Money
Conversely, if you find yourself to be in a position where you have money to spend on advertising but not a whole lot of time to work a business you will want to focus on paid advertising methods. These include methods such as ezine marketing, Google Adwords, and auto responder lit builders among other things.

Paid methods will always present you with a more hands-off, automated approach to online marketing, but the most effective ones can cost you quite a bit of money. Obviously if you have the money to spend on advertising in the first place this won't be a problem and if you do it right you shouldn't have any trouble making it back in no time.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Internet Marketing Beginner's Guide - Vol.2 Get Training Part 4

So far we have covered two free ways of going about obtaining internet marketing information that you can use to train yourself, or preferably supplement a more structured training method. Here we will continue in this vein and explore another free source of information.

Unless today is the first day you have ever seen a computer you probably use this tool every day. It is the gateway to the internet and if it isn't already it will quickly become the most used icon on your desktop.

Google is like your all access pass to the never ending chaos that is the internet. You cannot even use the internet or access any of its information without Google's help. Of course there are other web browsers, the most prominent being Yahoo, but Google has quickly become the undisputed champ of search engines and they won't be slowing down anytime soon.

There is tons to be said about using Google as a marketing tool. From SEO, to Adwords, to Adsense, to Google Slap, to Feedburner, to Blogger, Google has their fingers in a lot of stuff. But for the purpose of this article we are just going to be exploring how to utilize Google as a method of seeking out relevant information for training purposes.

As you start to become more familiar with internet marketing jargon, Google will quickly become your best friend. At times the internet can actually seem like a small place if you do not really know what you are looking for. Typing in several generic terms that are relatively the same such as internet marketing, online business, work at home, will yield relatively the same results and may leave you discouraged about ever finding information you can use.

But once you know what to search for and you have some specific questions with specific key words Google begins to open up and share its secrets with you. There is just so much quality information out there on the web. As you learn about certain concepts, take what you've learned and start doing some targeted searches to find more information and fill in the holes. Of course if you are involved in a quality training program you will want to get as much as you can from that source first and only search elsewhere when necessary, which if it's good training, shouldn't be too often.

Quality websites can sometimes be hard to come by. It is not unusual to do a search and come back with hardly any results, non relevant results, or sketchy websites that you are hesitant to even click on.

Always check the URL under the title and description of each search result. You do not want to click on a site only to have viruses downloaded on your computer. Sometimes there is nothing you can do about it. The title and description sound like exactly what you are looking for but when you click the link you get redirected to somewhere you did not want to go, or worse are infected with malware.

For this reason, if you are going to be doing a lot of searching on unfamiliar sites looking for new information, you should at least have a descent antivirus program installed like Webroot Antivirus or else only click on sites you recognize and trust. In fact, that may be the best way to go even if you do have an antivirus program just to be safe. You can usually tell when a site might be problematic by checking out the URL and description text, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Internet Marketing Beginner's Guide - Vol.2 Get Training Part 3

Here we continue discussing methods for obtaining internet marketing training and information so that you can really get a handle on what you need to do and what to expect from your online endeavors.

Free is always better than not free so here are some more suggestions for free ways to build your foundation of internet marketing knowledge and get answers to the questions you do or undoubtedly will have.

Article Directories
A very useful and free tool that you can utilize is online article directories. Examples of such directories are EzineArticles.com, ArticlesBase.com, GoArticles.com, and Buzzle.com. There are many, many others but these are some of the more popular, high traffic ones. Most likely you are encountering this article on one such directory or, if not, then the website you found it on got it from one.

Article directories have the potential to become your go to destination for information because they provide you with a way of quickly searching through hordes of information for what you are really looking for. There are tons of people, who write about all kinds of different topics and submit them all to article directories. Just like with forums you can get some really good quality information from these articles. The information will also likely be more organized and formal as they will be written for publication instead of just comments to a forum post, which may further aid you in quickly finding the information you need.

My recommendation is to go with EzineArticles.com when searching for information because they have the most stringent article approval process which ensures that you will most likely be getting quality information, or at least complete sentences.

Of course as with any user submitted content you run the risk of reading information that is either irrelevant, inaccurate or both. EzineArticles.com is less apt to contain these kinds of poor quality articles due to their more strict approval process, but that still does not guarantee that some won't slip through the cracks.

When you are getting information from an article or any other kind of user submitted source, it is best to take what you learn and plug some of that information back into a search engine to try and gain some supporting evidence for the claims. You never want to totally take someone you don't know at their word and believe everything they say. Take your time, do your research, and in the end you will be a better informed, better equipped internet marketer.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Internet Marketing Beginner's Guide - Vol.2 Get Training Part 2

So far we have covered the pros and cons of entering into internet marketing training via an affiliate program. While this is by far one of the most effective, structured, streamlined approaches to receiving training, it is not the only way. Next we will go into some free methods that you can use to find quality information on how to market online.

Once you start to develop a base of understanding you will begin to have educated questions that need answering. This is when forums can become a huge help. While initially forums may do you more harm than good when you have no idea what information is relevant or what you are even looking for, after you know what to ask you can find invaluable information in forums and even get feedback for questions you ask yourself.

Two forums I highly recommend are "Digital Point Forums" and "Warrior Forum". Both of these are internet marketing forums with tons of topics and tons of people who love to contribute to those topics.

Forums are like a melting pot for people and ideas of all shapes and sizes. Here you can glean value from the collective knowledge and experience of thousands of people in a highly targeted, highly focused environment. If you look hard enough you can probably find someone who has already asked almost the same if not the same question you have and if not, you can always ask it yourself.

In a good forum the community will be highly active and eager to share their knowledge with others, newbie and experienced alike. You can easily receive answers to your questions and insights into the industry. And who knows, you may even make some new friends along the way. Plus…it's free.

Of course when you are searching for information in the forum setting you will find that anyone can voice their opinion regardless of whether their information is correct or not. For this reason you will always want to dig a little deeper to find supporting claims and see what others have to say to make sure you are not going to be following bad advice.

Luckily this is usually a fairly simple process, especially in the more high quality forums. You just have to take the time to read a variety of responses and pick out the things that are constant or that seem to be accepted as common knowledge. Often times when someone does make an inaccurate claim there will be a flurry of responses from many other people pointing out those inaccuracies and clearing things up, so that helps as well when you are looking for good advice.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Internet Marketing Beginner's Guide - Vol.2 Get Training Part 1

You might think that the planning stage should come before the training stage. After all you want to have a well thought out methodical plan in place before you start moving forward because without it you could easily end up moving in the wrong direction.

And in many cases that would be true. But if you are totally new to internet marketing, you can't put together a smart plan until you know how to plan. You need to get some training under your belt so that you have an understanding of what you are getting into, what you should focus on and why.

There are many different ways to going about creating an internet marketing strategy that works for your specific personality, or you as an individual. A little training that allows you to test some things out and feel it out for yourself is the first step to establishing your action plan.

Affiliate Programs
Joining the right affiliate program can be one of the absolute best ways to get some top notch internet marketing training in an academic style, easy to digest format. Much of the time you could learn some of what they have to teach you on your own, but you would absolutely be taking the long road and may pick up some bad habits along the way.

An affiliate program that is centered around high quality internet marketing training will give you access to organized, comprehensive information brought to you by experts in their fields. There is really no substitute for this kind of highly focused training, short of knowing an expert yourself and having them teach you.

Another bonus to joining a good affiliate program is that you can make money with them as well. Usually the internet training will be the product on which the company is built. Some people join simply for that product but many others join for the income opportunity available for referring people to that product. The income potential will depend on the specific program's compensation plan, quality of products, etc.

The catch is that affiliate programs are not free. The cost is usually not all that invasive and the price of the membership will be directly proportional to the income potential available (i.e. you pay more, you get paid more) so if you are planning to apply what you learn quickly and build the business side of the program as well, you should be alright.

Prices vary but you can expect to be able to get into a solid company with a good set of internet marketing training tools and teaching modules for as little as $50 a month.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Internet Marketing Beginner's Guide - Vol.1 Get Serious

Getting started in the area of internet marketing (whether it be affiliate marketing, marketing your own business online, or simply trying to generate quality traffic back to your website or blog) can prove to be a difficult and confusing task.

There is a veritable overload of information out there on the subject of online marketing and if you are going to navigate those waters successfully and make something out of it you will need to be willing to go about it in a serious manner.

Newbie Syndrome
We all know the feeling. You want to find a way to make some extra money, or maybe even a full-time income, from the comfort of your home working on your computer. You've heard about this internet marketing thing and it sounds great, but where do you start?

You've done a Google search for internet marketing, online marketing, work at home, and every other search term you can think of, but all you ever get back are convoluted, hyped up sales pages that leave you feeling even more confused than when you started.

Here's the point where a lot of people simply throw in the towel. They are not serious. They never got past the curious phase and all of the confusion, hype, and frustration of trying to search an ocean of internet information for something they can actually use burnt them out and gave them a bad case of newbie syndrome.

The Cure
This may seem strange but you have to be willing to get serious before you really see any reason to do so. The learning curve can be a steep one, especially if you do not have any people or resources to help guide you and are simply trying to chart your course all on your own. So you have to be serious enough to keep pushing through that beginning stage when it feels like it isn't going to work and you are just wasting your time.

If you really believe that you can make it happen though, you have won half the battle already. If you can make it through the beginning, the learning stages, you will be able to make it through anything the internet can throw at you.

You need to understand that the internet is simply a set of tools. It is not a place where the strong and talented, those who are the smartest and quickest will succeed and everybody else fails. It is a place where those who succeed are simply those who stick around long enough to master the tools. Anyone can do it!

Foundational Thinking
The decision to make the jump from a casual observer to really digging in and seriously taking action will lay the foundation for your success. It is always harder to get the ball rolling than it is to keep it rolling.

Once you make that mental shift and are able to put enough faith in your ability to make internet marketing work for you to actually do something about it, you will have created the momentum you need to carry you on into success.

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Article Marketing - Appealing To Skimmers

Writing for the web is a bit different than other types of writing, especially if you are doing it for marketing purposes. In any type of writing you need to be able to hold the reader's attention. But when it comes to online article marketing, it's a game for the quick and the dead.

Online Readers Like To Skim
Think about how you search for information on the web. When you log on to find information, you usually have a pretty good idea of what you are looking for. You are looking for specific information and whoever can get you that information in the quickest and simplest fashion is going to have your attention.

When you are writing a formal paper or most anything intended for print you expect that your readers will be interested to read what you have to say and you want to hold their interest. You may focus on being clever, witty, etc. When you write for online publication however, most of the time providing raw, accurate, easily accessed information is what your readers are going to appreciate the most. That is what is going to get their attention and keep it.

Formatting For The Online Reader
1) Use subheadings: Subheadings are like music to my ears when I am on the hunt for information. If I come across an article that has no rhyme or reason to it and is just a jumbled bunch of text, even if the information I need is in there somewhere, I'm going to look for it somewhere else. I want to be able to skim and quickly find exactly what I need as easily as possible, and so will your readers.

2) Use bullets, numbers, etc: Again, you want to make it as simple as possible for people to navigate your article and find what they are looking for. Within your article may be several valuable tidbits of information that different people are searching for. By breaking up that information into easily accessed points you will be able to appeal to all of them.

3) Write short sentences and short paragraphs: Long run on sentences and novel size paragraphs are intimidating. People are going to be reading your article voluntarily. The minute it starts to feel like work, they will be on to the next article hoping it will be easier to read.

So basically you just have to remember to write your articles as though you are going to have to read them. Would they be interesting to you? Would they answer your questions? Would you be able to find those answers easily? Asking questions like these can really help you to write articles that will be both informative and useful.

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Article Marketing Works - But Only When You Understand It

Article marketing is something that most every internet marketer has tried at least once. Unfortunately, very few ever reach the point where they see results from their efforts. Article's can be one of the single best resources you ever use to promote your business, but you have to understand them to see the value in them.

Why Most People Give Up
Most people give up on writing articles before they ever give it a chance to work. Article marketing is a free form of advertising, which is why most everyone tries their hand at it, but it is also a long term strategy. This is what people often times do not understand. They write a few articles with high hopes of getting a flood of traffic to their site and making tons of money, then when their expectations fall short they get discouraged and give up.

What Article Marketing Is
Article marketing is a unique form of advertising in that it gives your advertising strategy a solid base of permanence. Unlike classified ads or solo ads, when you write an article and it gets published, it stays published. That article will be there working for you twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, forever. So although it may take you a little longer to write an article and it may not get you huge initial week-one results, it will continue to work for you for years to come and in the long run get you a heck of a lot more traffic than those quick ads ever could.

What Article Marketing Is Not
Article marketing is not however, solely a way to make some quick money by getting your links out there and getting people to buy what you are selling. Articles are meant to provide value to people and that is what you need to keep in mind when you go about writing them. You are not trying to sell someone, or trick them into buying something they do not need. Your article should be an answer to a problem, advice for those who seek it. This is what gives a writer credibility and entices the reader to care enough to check out the writer's block to see who you are and what you are doing.

Don't give up!
If you have tried article marketing before or are just considering it for the first time, the best advice you can follow is to simply stick with it. Article marketing is a long term strategy, remember that. The longer your article is out there and the more you have out there, the more of a chance there is that people will come across it, like what they see, and follow your links back to your website. Just remember to always honor the relationship between writer and reader; provide value and give people a reason to want to hear what you have to say. If you stick with it, article marketing can be one of the best things you will ever do to grow your business.

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